France: Teacher beheaded for showing a cartoon of Prophet Mohammed

This is not a new incident, similar incidents have been witnessed by jihadis many times before.
A few years ago, a French magazine, Charlie Hebdo, published a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed. Twelve people were killed in this attack! But the entire media and humanitarians sat quietly about this. There are many such examples, from the murder of Swami Shraddhananda by Abdul Rashid to the murder of sadhus in Uttar Pradesh.
The same thing happened in Bangalore a few months ago, when a man posted a caricature of the apostles in a Facebook comment, within hours the Muslim community took to the streets and started arson, chanting 'Nara-e-Takbir, Allah Hu Akbar',
But once again, the country's media remained silent. Why do those who call themselves 'CHAMPION OF FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION' sit quietly on these things? What are you afraid of? Are you silent as they will behead you too? It is unfortunate that many times after committing atrocities in many places, these people simply say, 'Terrorism has nothing to do with religion' and our people also fall prey to this immediately.
Then these are the people when Hindus raise slogans of 'Jai Shri Ram' in any movement, but their lives are in danger, the Constitution is in danger, the sovereignty of the country is in danger! But after saying "Nara-e-Takbir, Allah Hu Akbar", the aftermath is a symbol of peace!
Many say that this is not the whole Muslim community so not every Muslim is a terrorist, but how many ordinary Muslims speak out against such terrorist jihadists? The more hatred they can stand against Hindus, the more hatred they can insult Hindus. Why don't they stand up against the wrong people in their own religion? If they really want to prove their religion innocent, they should also take to the streets and speak out against such bigots.
Due to these jihadi minded people, our entire society is being discredited and we protest against this. While I was doing this, unfortunately, I did not see any Muslim! The whole point of this article is that over the years, jihadi-minded people have lost many innocent lives.
And it can't be denied no matter how much you say no! If individual freedom, freedom of expression, and freedom of speech are really important to you, then you should speak fearlessly about such horrors!