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The misinformation of meat-eating in Ramayana.

Writer's picture: SonalSonal

People often object from the Ramayana with the gold deer episode and here from there, shloka, without any investigation, insists that Shri Ram was a non-vegetarian and a hunter. Tries to understand all things on the basis of facts. Let us first start with the deer episode.

Proof 1:-

Very basic of Ramayana, That proves there is no meat diet here in Ramayana:-

In the Ramayana written by Maharishi Valmiki Ji, when sage Vishwamitra comes to the ashram of sage Vashishtha, the sage Vashistha did not entertain sage Vishwamitra from meat, but all made from sugarcane, rice, kheer, lentils, curd, etc. There is no mention of any kind of meat etc.

Proof 2:-

Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana, etc. already knew that in this forest, the form of the elusive demon deer do violence.

"इदं दुर्गमं ही कान्तारं मृग राक्षससेवितम्"

Means:- This inaccessible forest deer is full of demons.

Proof 3:-

Actual seen was like this:- Mother Sita asks Shri Ramchandra to catch the golden deer in this way-

If you catch it alive, this wonder substance will surprise you by staying in the ashram.

Where has it been asked to kill?

Then Laksham Ji said:-

शंका:मानस्तू तं द्रष्टवा लक्ष्मणो राममब्रवीत।। तमेवैनमहं मन्ये मारीच्ं राक्षसं मृगम्ं।।

Means:- There is no doubt in this that this is the elusive Marich.

Then Ram says:-

अहमेनं वधिश्यामि ग्राहीश्याम्यथ्वा मृगम्ं ।।

Means:- If this is Marich then I will surely kill this and if this is deer then I will bring it alive.

विनदन भैरव्ं नाद्ं धारण्यमल्प जीवित:।। म्रियमास्तू मारीचौ जहौ तां कृत्रिमो तनुम्ं।।

And when after inspection, it became clear that this is not deer this is मारीच. So Rama killed by Vana, and as soon as Vana started, Maricha removed her artificial skin.

---------------------Case 2-------------------------

The second episode is that a verse is tried to prove that Rama was a non-vegetarian and that the verse is: -

चतुर्दश हि वर्षाणि वत्स्यामि विजने वने। मधु मूल फलैः जीवन् हित्वा मुनिवद् आमिषम्।।

Means:- When Shri Ram Ji was preparing to go to the forest, then Shri Ram Ji from Mata Kaushalya, where I will stay in the forest for 14 years and will never eat forbidden meat and only the tubers prescribed for the sages who are migrating in the forest. Will live on the original.

गुहा निधी निहितौ ब्राह्मणस्य

Means:- Dhulok and Prithivilok are the two treasures of that intellect. The solution to all the problems of human beings is dependent on their proper use.

Simple logic________

Whenever a child abandons his or her home for education or other purposes, he/she naturally promises his / her parents to stay away from many addictions. So does this mean that he/she was already in addictions?

Proof 2:-

According to Sundar Kand, when Hanuman meets Goddess Sita in Ashoka Vatika, then she explains the happiness of Rama. They describe how they are living, how they are living their lives, what their day-time is.

न मांसं राघवो भुङ्क्ते न चापि मधुसेवते। वन्यं सुविहितं नित्यं भक्तमश्नाति पञ्चमम्।।

Means:- Rama never consumed meat nor did he drink alcohol. O, Goddess, they receive the tubers collected for them every day only at dusk.

-------------------Case 3-------------------

Did buddhism and jainism promote vegetarianism in Sanatan culture?

People often say that vegetarianism was promoted in Sanatan culture because of Buddhism and Jainism. It is not that Sanatan culture is based on vegetarianism. There is evidence from Vedas to Mahabharata.

Proof 1:-

O teeth you eat rice, eat barley, urad, and eat sesame seeds. For you, this is part of delightful food. Never violence against any male and female. - Atharvaveda

Proof 2:-

Whom you kill with consent and those who cut limbs apart. Those who kill and buy, sell, cook, serve and eat all these 4 are deadly Nobody is going to sin more than those who wish to increase their flesh from the flesh of others, disrespecting the flesh-eating of fathers, deities, and scholars in the form of prohibition. - Manu Smriti

Proof 3:-

Alcohol, meat, etc. are the food of the Yakshas, demons, and vampires. - Manu Smriti

-----------------Case 4-------------------

Did people hunt in Sanatan culture? Does hunting prove that it was meant for dieting?

Yes, in Sanatan culture, kings used to hunt but not for the purpose of eating, but it was an entertainment and a means of weighing their power.


मृगों न भीम: कुचरों गरिष्ठ:

Because in the Vedas deer are also called lions. And it is also called Mrigendra and the hunt is called Mrigaya. Can anyone prove that someone ate the flesh of a lion? Only the practice of predatory creatures was prevalent.

People who consider the companion of the divine being equal to their soul, that is, like others who want their own interest, they also fast in others. -Yuzurved


वाचस्पतिर्मखस्यते विश्वस्येशान ओजसा।


The one who provides the owner of the entire world, if any, is knowledge. And people analyze things only on the basis of their wisdom.



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