Thiruvattar Sree Adikesava Perumal Temple Kanyakumari district(Tamil Nadu)

This Temple is older than Padmanabha Swamy Temple at Thiruvananthapuram but its structure is similar to that of Padmanabha Swamy Temple. Bhagwan is in Shayana kolam and has to be viewed in three doors like Padmanabha Swamy. The gigantic idol of the Swamy is about 22 feet, made up of a mixture called Kadu Sharkarai prayogam with 16008 Salagrama stones. Temple is one of the 108 holy Vishnu temples. There is no Brahma in the Naval of Bhagavan.
A Shiva lingam is situated near Adikesava Perumal. Inside the Sannidhi Sri Devi and Bhu Devi Thaayars are seated in the center in front of Perumal. It is believed that the devotee worshipping Perumal here would have no further births.
Garuda, Sun, deities of the five weapons (Panchayudha), demons Madhu and Kaidaba are in the sanctum sanctorum. Maharshi Hadhaleya is near the head of the Deva. The sanctum has been designed so that the rays of the sun illuminate the face of the deity in March/April month.