Anshul PandeyDec 16, 2020The story of Kalawati and Lilavati in Satyanarayan Katha.Vishnu Ji is the destroyer of all the three types of Taap- Adhyatmik, Adidaivik, and Adibhautik. Those who forget him suffer from...
Anshul PandeyDec 15, 2020The story of Sadhu Vanik and his son-in-law in Satyanarayan Katha.Before starting the story it is necessary to explain the consequences of our carelessness in relation to Bhagwan. He gives us in leaps...
Anshul PandeyDec 14, 2020The story of woodcutters in Satyanarayan Katha.There lived a group of woodcutters in the town of Kashipuri who would daily go to the deep forest to cut wood and sell them in the town....
Anshul PandeyDec 14, 2020The Story of king Chandrachud in Satyanarayan Katha.In ancient times a religious and benevolent King ruled Manipur in Kedarkhand. He was an ardent devotee of Bhagwan Narayan. He once lost a...