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Anshul Pandey
Dec 2, 2020
The Importance of the Eighteenth Chapter of Bhagwat Gita. (Ch-18)
The eighteenth chapter of Gita is important since it is capable of sending you to Sayujya Swarg. There is a town called Amravati at the...
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Anshul Pandey
Dec 1, 2020
The Importance of the Seventeenth Chapter of Bhagwat Gita. (Ch-17)
King Khadag Bahu's son had a Sevak named Dushashan. This person was of an evil mind. Once he put up a bet with Mandalik Prince against a...
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Anshul Pandey
Nov 27, 2020
The Importance of the sixteenth chapter of Bhagwat Gita. (Ch-16)
The sixteenth chapter of Gita makes one fearless and unattached from worldly ties. In the town of Saurashtra in Gujarat, there lived a...
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Anshul Pandey
Nov 26, 2020
Importance of the Fifteenth Chapter of Bhagwat Gita. (Ch-15)
There was a king named Kripan Narsingh in Gaud Desh. He was a great warrior. He even defeated devtas by using his powerful sword. His...
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Anshul Pandey
Nov 25, 2020
The importance of the fourteenth chapter of Bhagwat Gita. (Ch-14)
This chapter helps us to get rid of the worldly ties. There was a King named Vikram Vaital in a place called Singhaldweep. He was a very...
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Anshul Pandey
Nov 24, 2020
The importance of the Thirteenth Chapter of Bhagwat Gita. (Ch-13)
On the banks of river Tungabhadra river in the south, there is a town of Hariharpur. There lived a Shrotriya Brahmin named Hari Dikshit,...
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Anshul Pandey
Nov 23, 2020
The Importance of the Twelfth Chapter of Bhagwat Gita. (Ch-12)
In Bharat, there is a famous town known as Kolhapur which is renowned for its sacred Mahalaxmi temple. This whole area is known as Siddha...
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Anshul Pandey
Nov 22, 2020
The Importance of the Eleventh Chapter of Bhagwat Gita. (Ch-11)
On the banks of the Praneeta river, there was a beautiful city called Meghankar. In this city, there was a sacred temple dedicated to...
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Nov 22, 2020
What is Geeta and what is its Importance?
Geeta is not just a collection of Shlokas, instead, it is a practical book. Every Shloka of every Adhyay of Geeta is complete in itself...
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Anshul Pandey
Nov 20, 2020
Importance of the Tenth Chapter of Bhagwat Gita. (Ch-10)
The tenth chapter of Gita is like a ladder that takes you directly to Parmatma. In Kashipuri there lived a devout and saintly Brahmin...
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Anshul Pandey
Nov 19, 2020
The importance of the Ninth Chapter of Bhagwat Gita. (Ch-9)
👉 Vedic_site
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Anshul Pandey
Nov 18, 2020
The importance of the Eighth Chapter of Bhagwat Gita. (Ch-8)
👉 Vedic_site
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Anshul Pandey
Nov 17, 2020
The Importance of the seventh chapter of Bhagwat Gita. (Ch-7)
The 7th chapter of the Gita is like nectar to our ears. In Pataliputra the gopuras(doors) were very high. There lived a Brahmin named...
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Anshul Pandey
Nov 16, 2020
The Importance of the sixth chapter of Bhagwat Gita. (Ch-6)
On the banks of the Godavari river, there was a city named Prathishthanpur, whose King was Jaanshruti. He was an able and religious ruler...
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Anshul Pandey
Nov 15, 2020
The Importance of the Fifth chapter of Bhagwat Gita. (Ch-5)
In a village named Purukutspur in Madra Desh there lived a Brahmin named Pingal. Although he was born in a traditional family but his...
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